If you are a DIYer, Allied Reddi-Rooter has insights and how-to articles to help. Check out our library, and if you don’t see a topic that you would like covered, let us know. It will be next on the list to be published.

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Q&A with Ray – Renters and plumbing issues

Call the landlord first! Q: I live in an apartment building. My toilet has clogs constantly and I also have lot of trouble with my kitchen drain. This is a multi-family…


Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Window Well Water… Get Outta’ Here!

Q: The recent rains have left several wet spots in my yard and my window wells are holding water - I’m sure I saw mosquito larvae swimming in them. I don’t…


Monday, May 22nd, 2017

Standing Water Problems? Pump It Up, Up, and Away!

Standing water can be hard to get your arms around, especially when it’s pooling in unwanted places. Window wells, low spots in the yard, basements (THANKS, spring rains!) and clogged…


Sunday, May 7th, 2017

Plumbing 101: FIRST, Locate the Water Shut-off Valve

Draining a tank seems simple, but accidents can happen. Today in the office, all heck broke loose. This morning, management decided to remove an old 1,000-gallon water tank (full of…


Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Simple Sanitation Tips for Kitchens, Baths & Basements

Busy households create big demands on sanitation. Below are our favorite “quick hits” for keeping sinks, drains, and toilets bright and fresh-smelling: Kitchen Sinks After doing the dishes (and before…


Friday, April 28th, 2017

Buying a Home? Check the Pipes!

The Cincinnati home buying market is heating up for summer sales. If you think you've found your dream home, make sure your home inspector provides a robust plumbing inspection, including…


Monday, April 17th, 2017

Toilets: Repair or Replace? That is the question.

Last weekend, as we jiggled the toiled handled again (and again and again) to make it stop running, we felt it might be time to replace the toilet. Got in the…


Friday, April 7th, 2017

April Showers Bring Wet Basements

Our soggy winter has morphed into a soggy spring. Our backyard is soup. In Cincinnati, this means one thing: wet basements. For readers with sump pumps (or readers who would…


Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Tankless Water Heaters – A 101 Overview

Two years ago, we wrote a blog on tank vs. tankless water heaters – the local adoption rate of tankless was low at the time. Since then, the numbers of…


Friday, March 3rd, 2017

Sewer Gas — It Stinks!

In our 1920's vintage home, we're at peace with our vintage plumbing: everything above ground is new-ish. Everything underground is cast iron, rusty, and likely broken in places that we…