Zoeller sump pump authorized sales, repair & installation
If a water backup is happening, call us 24/7 to get back up and running.
Allied Reddi-Rooter offers Cincinnati’s most reliable sump pump repair and replacement service to existing systems. We feature a full line of Zoeller high efficiency and high capacity products for long life and reliable service. Our Zoeller sealed systems ensure a dry, livable basement – even in the toughest of weather conditions outside.
We always quote your new sump pump installation or sump pump repair up front. It’s free and in most cases is offered over the phone. More complex installations may require a free personal inspection from Allied. If we’re fortunate enough to gain you as a customer, you’ll know you have received the lowest labor fee and the best Zoeller product before we arrive at your home.
Each installed system includes a Zoeller pump that is a properly fit to your home’s requirements, an efficient basin and proper pump mounting surface, proper discharge line and valves, properly grounded electrical circuitry set to applicable local and national codes (important for your manufacturer warranty), clean out of debris from present system, addressing of any egress issues to ensure that water drains out and away from the home efficiently, and complete system testing.
Optional backup equipment
When power goes off in a rainstorm, the basic equipment will not work. To combat this, there are two alternatives: A battery back up sump pump which operates off of a separate battery when there is a power loss. The alternative is a water back up. The water supply to the house supplies the power to operate the equipment during power outages. Allied offers both of these options for an additional fee.
Learn more about Zoeller products
Click here to visit their website. Allied Reddi-Rooter uses Zoeller products exclusively as they are the definitive manufacturer in the sump pump industry for quality, long life and reliability..
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Call or email the 24/7 Cincinnati plumbing repair experts at Allied Reddi-Rooter. We are highly recommended on Google Reviews and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our quality service.